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Let's get your team on their way to wellbeing.

What's New Spotlight: April 2021

Writer: FitPros Workplace WellbeingFitPros Workplace Wellbeing

As wellness continues to evolve, FitPros is dedicated to providing you with new and relevant topics and activities for your employees. Find out what’s new this month:


Spring Detox: Naturally Detox with the Season

Did you know that with spring comes seasonal fruit and vegetables to help you naturally detox? We're told to detox for the new year in January but really March and April are the ideal months to gently detox your body from the slow winter filled with dense, hearty food. Come learn about which foods are in season and how they help with detoxification. Detox doesn't have to mean a juice cleanse! You can help your body naturally detox while enjoying seasonal foods! After this talk, you'll feel ready to step out of hibernation mode and into lighter days!

Burnout Prevention And Recovery Strategies

There is a significant relationship between burnout, engagement, and anticipated turnover. This workshop will provide attendees with the tools to help prevent burnout as well as outline the fundamentals of P.A.A.P (Prevent, Access, Address, Provide), and provide actionable steps to prevent and recover from burnout.

Talent Retention Using The 4 R's Of Resilience

Creating culture change requires intentional action; it also requires leading from a place or resilience to empower your organization's superpower. Learn the 7 components of a Resilient Culture. Through this workshop attendee's learn the skills, mindsets, and tools to help you and your team build a culture of resilience.

The Winning Team Formula

For a team to win and thrive, there is a secret sauce that must be present. We'll discuss the components of a winning team, common team vulnerabilities and address them as a means of prevention and set your team up to respond effectively to adversity. Participants will have the opportunity to create a team charter to help improve your high-performing winning team.

Resilience Based Leadership

Great leaders are able to inspire and motivate their teams through authentic connections, genuine appreciation of their team, and their leadership values. This workshop will explore how our values, actions, mindset, and communication affect how we are perceived as leaders. Attendees will work interactively to learn and practice ways to improve their leadership skills through the lens of resilience.

Creating a Culture of Resilience

Creating culture change requires intentional action; it also requires leading from a place of resilience to empower your organizations' superpower. Learn the 7 components of a Resilient Culture. Through this workshop attendees learn the skills, mindsets, and tools to help build a culture of resilience.



No equipment needed for this body weight strength class. Tone your muscles and build strength and stability, while challenging your balance in this full body workout. Walk taller from increased core strength and confidence (Bonus: research shows weight training boosts self esteem!)


Contact a Wellbeing Manager today to schedule these activities and learn about other offerings available.

Visit to find additional activities available.

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