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Let's get your team on their way to wellbeing.

Writer's pictureFitPros Workplace Wellbeing

The Top 7 Benefits of a Long-Term Wellness Vendor Relationship

Commit to a long-term contract and reap benefits from easier-to-measure ROI to improved internal marketing.

Man working at desktop computer.

Committing to a wellbeing vendor for an extended period can seem incalculable because your future budget or expected Wellness Funds are not guaranteed. But switching programs or choosing a short-term contract sends the wrong message to employees - it says you're not committed to their wellbeing for the long haul.

Choosing to stay with the same vendor shows your commitment to employee wellbeing. It also has many other benefits, including better data insights and ROI tracking, as well as improved program participation and planning in advance.

Continue reading to discover the many benefits of committing to a vendor for an extended period.

7 benefits of committing to a wellbeing vendor for an extended period

1. Employees become loyal to the wellness program

Your employees want to know that you’re equally committed to their wellbeing when you start a wellness program.

They don’t want to be 3 months into a daily yoga practice or mid-way through a workplace movement challenge, and then the program is canceled. 

A long-term commitment from employers shows employees that you’re investing in their wellbeing for the long haul. They’re more likely to participate in all things wellness when they know it won’t be pulled from beneath them.

2. Internal marketing becomes much easier

Getting your employees to take part in your program can be challenging.

A long-term commitment to a wellbeing vendor shows your commitment to your employees and it makes it easier to promote monthly challenges, daily wellbeing activities, health talks, and other resources. You also know what’s on the agenda, which makes it easy to plan.

Employees who may have been on the fence might warm to the idea of joining a movement challenge, for example, once they see the benefits their co-workers start to experience.

Moreover, you receive consistent internal marketing material to promote your weekly and monthly wellbeing agenda.

The program becomes familiar, easy to follow, and something they look forward to vs. yet another attempt at wellness from a different company every 3 months.

3. Internal ERGs can utilize themed programs

Many organizations have employee resource groups (ERGs), which are voluntary employee-led networks to build communities around specific issues, such as diversity, equity, and inclusion.

When you commit to a long-term wellness program, ERGs become champions and can choose themed sessions and challenges for monthly events, such as Pride, Black History, and Hispanic Heritage Month. 

Planning in advance also allows more time for ERGs to get more people involved—you get a better return on every session.

4. Easier to plan ahead and assign resources to accounts

Committing to the same wellness program for an extended period enables you to plan ahead.

You can assign resources ahead of time to budget for events and activities, making sure you book the sessions you want and your employees value most. 

Your employees can also plan ahead because of the program's predictability. For instance, if attending group fitness classes, they may start exercising beforehand to prepare.

Planning ahead is never a bad idea, especially when it comes to the wellbeing of your employees.

5. Cost and time savings

When you stay with one vendor for an extended period, you reduce administrative overhead costs. 

In addition, you won’t need to onboard employees or conduct further training, saving valuable resources. This also means less frequent RFP processes and vendor evaluations. Your organization has more time to spend on other, perhaps more valuable tasks.

Finally, some vendors (like FitPros!) will offer better pricing or discounts on long-term agreements. So that’s another win!

6. Integrate wellness into your company culture

Creating a culture of wellness is not only all the rage, but it’s a necessity. People want to work for a company that puts their employees first, and investing in their health and happiness is an excellent place to start.

By investing in a long-term partnership with a vendor, you’re displaying your commitment to your employee's wellness—you’re making it a part of the company culture. 

Building a culture of wellness is one of the best ways to attract and retain top talent—it’s what the top companies are doing, and if you don’t already, take notes.

7. It's easier to track your ROI

Tracking and measuring the return on investment of a wellness program can be complicated—but this is even more difficult when you switch programs every 3 to 6 months.

Staying with the same program unlocks access to improved data analytics. It’s much easier to track progress by measuring key indicators, such as employee sick days and attendance, retention rates, and even a correlation between participation and sales.

When you have more data, it’s easier to make more informed decisions. If you run a wellbeing session, for example, in January and notice a spike in participation, this gives you a good idea to run it again, perhaps 6-12 months from now.

Key Takeaways

  • Choosing a short-term plan sends the wrong message to employees

  • Long-term plans showcase your commitment to employee health and happiness

  • Save time and money onboarding and training employees 

  • Improve data tracking and analytics to make more informed decisions

  • Plan ahead and create a better wellness experience for employees

Are you ready to commit to a wellness program for an extended period? Talk to us today and find out how FitPros can help you achieve your wellbeing goals.

Looking for more? Contact a Wellbeing Manager to discuss your organizational wellbeing needs.


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We provide workplace teams with mindful practices, personal and professional wellbeing growth, fitness instruction, and opportunities for social connection. We aim to inspire the highest potential in people at work, in life, every day, so they can show up healthy and at their best.


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