By: Gia Hellwig
Original article found at:

In March of 2020, I was laid off like so many others due to COVID-19. And as it goes, I’ve also had a business idea rolling around in my head for about 5 years. I had a logo and general concept, but no time to put pen to paper and actually draw it out, build it or give it a go. Silver lining - I now had TIME to start my business! My purpose is to bring joy to others by creating experiences. With that, I created Party Package to Go.
I am a crafter, creator and DIY lover. I believe all moments deserve to be celebrated. My vision was to create a product that combined my love of crafting & DIY while also providing solutions to all those out there wanting to celebrate or be celebrated but not having the time or desire to put it all together. How could I create this? How could I send experiences through the mail? What would this look like? How would I build it? Could I do it? Would people be interested in it? I got to work answering the questions in my head.
But first, let’s step back a minute. I’ll tell you how I got here. My background is in event planning. I have been an event planner (on the books so to speak) for 13 years, but I grew up around events. I helped plan them. I volunteered at them. I consulted for them. Event planning is in my blood. And my favorite part of every event is the experience it creates and the joy it brings. I’m talking about that feeling you get when you walk into a room and are transported to a different place and time - that experience. I wanted to create THAT! While a tall order, I was totally up for the challenge.
The devil is in the details they say. Putting the pieces together can be time consuming, exhausting and plain not fun. I understand the challenges of running from place to place getting all of the necessary items - decorations, tableware, party favors, food, drinks and on and on. My goal - stop the madness! What if all of these items came to you? No running to all of the places for all of the things.
Enter Party Package to Go - we make celebrating those life moments, milestones & holidays a snap! We design, create and handmake the decorations and crafts. I also love including games encouraging family time. The photo props have been a big hit! Additionally, we take care to make sure everything is well packaged. We pride ourselves on the details.
Here’s How It Works - Order, Open, Setup & Celebrate!
Step 1 - Order
You can order themed packages already completely designed and, with a few selections, are on their way. Or, we can 100% customize a package to your specifications and then it’s on its way. Seriously, customizing is so much fun. All ideas are welcome!
Step 2 - Open
Your package arrives on your doorstep, no multiple store driving necessary, and you open it. Tableware, decorations, cake mix, recipes and more all in one tidy package.
Step 3 - Setup & Celebrate
All that is left to do is hang the decorations, blow up the balloons, sign the card (yes, I even provide a themed card - easy!), set the table, whip up a couple recipes and celebrate!

Creating these packages brings me so much joy. Designing fun, custom themes such as ‘Ramen (yes, the soup) & Rainbows’ and ‘Novas (yes, the car) & Hippos’ have been an absolute blast! I learn something new every day. I get to collaborate with other, amazing business owners. I set my own schedule and work towards my dreams. Most importantly, I’m helping to create those experiences that we look forward to throughout the year, whether it’s a birthday, baby shower, or graduation. Those are just some examples. The possibilities truly are endless. I encourage everyone to take a moment and celebrate anything and everything. Making memories is what it’s all about!
While we are living in crazy times, let’s not forget what it has afforded us. For me, I stopped, pivoted and lept. I went for my dreams without abandon. We do not know until we begin. If we focused on the silver linings, how would that change our outlook? If we focused on being a contribution towards ourselves and others, how would that create change, possibly even a ripple effect?
Some people see a happy birthday banner as just that. But I see the opportunity to bring joy and light into someone’s life telling them they are important and they are worth it. We are so happy to have you here and in our lives. You are incredible and worth being celebrated. We have created this experience for you and for us to make memories together. We will get to look back at pictures and remember the fun we had. Remember that fun theme we came up with? It was personal and full of fun and love. THAT’S it! That is what I create.

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