Why Go to a Chiropractor as a First Treatment Option?
Well, it is often a good place to turn first for pain management. The U.S. epidemic of opioid overuse and abuse to treat pain and symptoms is an increasingly prevalent issue. We encourage people to use more conservative forms of pain management, starting first with our chiropractic care.
Chiropractors worldwide distinguish themselves from medical doctors in that their practice is founded on holistic care. Doctors at San Francisco Custom Chiropractic (SFCC) look at more than just your spinal alignment – we address dietary, exercise, postural, and sleeping habits.
As sports chiropractors, the doctors at SFCC specialize in treating extremities and soft tissues on top of spinal care. In other words, they can help you with your shoulder, wrist, hip, knee, and foot pain. One of the soft tissue techniques that the doctors use is Active Release Technique, or A.R.T., which is the gold standard of soft tissue treatment. A.R.T. is comparable to a deep tissue massage in that it incorporates motion to break up scar tissue, knots, and fibrous adhesions, restoring normal blood flow and alignment to the soft tissue. Sports chiropractors also prescribe exercises and stretches to strengthen areas of the body that have become weakened and prone to injury.
Why else should you go to a chiropractor? Chiropractic benefits include:
Treat the cause, not just the symptoms, of pain
Complements other forms of pain management
Customizes treatment plans
Presents low risk
Offers new hope for chronic conditions, such as fibromyalgia
Prevents joint dysfunction
Treats without being invasive
Improves postures preventative and proactive, not reactive
Shares ergonomic ideas
Teaches exercises and stretches
Provides nutritional advice
Increases energy levels
Improves athletic performance
Can save money
How do I start chiropractic treatment in the San Francisco area?
Of course, the obvious is that you can receive an evaluation and treatment with us at any of our four offices in San Francisco and the South Bay. However, we offer bigger opportunities for those that are looking to bring chiropractic treatment to their communities or office.
For employers, investing into one or more of the services that SF Custom Chiropractic offers is a way to ensure the health and productivity of a company. Yelp is only one of many of SFCC’s partners that has taken advantage of the accessibility of our doctors. Dr. Jacobs has visited their San Francisco office weekly in order to treat their employees on an individual basis.
Here is a look at the services that SFCC offers onsite:
Chair Massages → Schedule one of our licensed massage therapists to come over to the office to administer therapeutic deep tissue manual therapy. Each chair massage is between 10-20 minutes long, depending on the event scheduled for.
Ergonomic Evaluations → Evaluation process includes collecting personal history of each employee, customizing the workplace accordingly, and correcting the issues presented in the recorded histories. Customization may include suggestion of specific equipment.
Onsite Chiropractic Treatment → SFCC chiropractors can come onsite to perform thorough examination and treatment, creating exercise plans when requested and/or needed.
To schedule an individual an appointment at one of our San Francisco area clinics, Click Here.
For inquiries and price estimates on our corporate wellness offerings, call our office at (415) 788-8700 or fill out our Form.